November was a busy month for Ang lustrador ng Kabataan!
Primarily, it was our 20th birthday and Ayala Museum is generous enough to host a retrospective and our annual exhibit in their lobby for 3 months!
here are some photos from planning to ingress to the actual opening night! (grabbed from other inkies' posts, thanks!)
the plan |
preparing the faux frames at UP Diliman |
laying out all the artworks! and i must say they are about 300+! |
inkies playing on pompoms!haha |
Ruben De Jesus, one of the founding members and advisers of Ang Ink |
our birthday cake! |
group pic! |
one of my books was included in the retrospective -
Ang Alamat ng Gagamba (The Legend of the Spider) written by Segundo D. Matias, Jr., published by Lampara Books.
In the old days, there was a talented cloth weaver.
She did nothing else but weave and weave. She wove the clothes of her
townmates, she also wove the garments of the majestic queen, and she
wove still the dress of a generous nymph.
But as she became famous as a cloth weaver, she also became haughty and arrogant.
Find out in this modern legend how the spider came about and the importance of humility in times of success and bounty.
this is Gamba, the talented cloth weaver. |
and here's my work for the annual exhibit, shown simultaneously with the
retrospective featuring illustrations of untold narratives. notice the
different style i put into each work. i am hopeful that someday (at the
soonest future), local book industry will publish children's books
featuring illustrations such as these - unbound by the 'cutesy' culture,
more abstract, unadulterated.
Untitled (kumot)
Acrylic, collage and graphite on canvas
here's the installation view:
a retrospective of actual illustrations of 75 children's
books published from 1991 upon Ang Ink's formation until present!
a showcase of works by members of Ang Ink ranging from conventional styles to more contemporary illustrations! |
to view more of the exhibit visit Ang Ilustrador ng Kabataan, 20 Taon at Ayala Museum lobby until January 15, 2012!
i suggest visiting on dates when there are scheduled activities like workshops for kids (they'll love it!) and industry talks (which is both on January 14, 2012). kitakits!